High Standard Investments, LLC is an Investment Company. Please note we are not in any way affiliated or financially connected to any of the companies suggested. We are Real Estate Investors and are not qualified in advising you in legal issues. Our goal is to provide types of options available. We strongly advise you to further research with professionals once you decide a direction that is best for your unique situation.


When you are facing the foreclosure of your home, it can feel completely overwhelming. But you’re not alone.

Over one million American homeowners are going through a foreclosure, or are at serious risk of facing one.


Here are some other statistics about divorce in the US:

Every 13 Seconds, someone, somewhere, files for divorce.

66% of divorces are filed by women

4% of people in the military file for divorce each year

50% of children in the US will see their parents divorce in their lifetime

43% of children in the US are living without their father involved in their lives

41% of first marriages end in divorce

60% of second marriages end in divorce

73% of third marriages end in divorce

The average first marriage lasts 8 years



In California, if your assets are valued at $150,000 or more and they are not directed to beneficiaries through either a trust plan, beneficiary designation, or a surviving spouse, those assets are required to go through the probate process upon your incapacity or death.


Frequently Asked Questions


foreclosure: Do I Have to Sell My House?

If you are facing the possibility of foreclosure in the future, the answer of having to sell depends on where your are in the process and how much in late payment and penalty fees you currently owe. If you are early in the process, you may have options to turn your situation around.

Foreclosure: process

We recommend the following websites to start your research in how the process works and where you are at this time. Many other sites are available as well.



foreclosure: SUGGESTED Options

  1. Work with your Lender to modify your loan

  2. Seek outside help to bring your loan current

  3. Seek Debt Relief www.californiadebtrelief.org

  4. Obtain a Foreclosure Attorney

  5. Bankruptcy

  6. Sell your home with a Realtor/Broker

  7. Sell your home to an Investor

foreclosure: why are you showing us other options if you buy houses?

The most upsetting thing to witness EVERY WEEK is the handful of Homeowner’s that took NO ACTION to save their home, and see it auctioned, leaving the family homeless, no cash in pocket, and a huge hit to their credit rating making it more difficult to recover. Please take the best action for YOU quickly!


foreclosure: Communicate with your Lender

Believe it or not, your Lender DOES NOT WANT YOUR HOME. They do however want your money. It cost Lenders to close and auction a property. They would much rather assist with time if you are truly making an effort to resolve your issue. Unfortunately they won’t know your efforts unless you communicate with them. Whatever path you choose, please let the Lender know.

all: reality of selling a home

With the technological age we live in, home websites like Zillow, Redfin, Trulia, etc. are at our fingertips. These are great tools to find a home for sale, but are inaccurate to the current value of a home for “CMA” comparable market analysis. (Comps) The most accurate view can be provided via the “MLS” Multiple Listing Service showing what is listed and sold by your house. Realtors and better Investors use the MLS to base the current value of a home. (Unfortunately the CMLS is for Realtors only) Please note that markets are always changing and effect the projection (up or down) of the sale price. It is an art.

When you sell your home, Title, Escrow, Inspections, and Realtor Fees will take an easy 10% off of the Fair Market Value at the closing of escrow. Repairs prior to marketing, and repairs required due to inspections will bring the net profit even lower. Please note that these repairs are out of pocket prior to the close of escrow.

We bring this up because we see people research Zillow and believe this is the number they will receive. Unfortunately this is a fantasy.

all: why sell to high standard investments, llc?

  1. We will pay off your remaining mortgage, penalties, involuntary and voluntary liens on the property, and offer as much as possible cash to you, all in writing. If the offer doesn’t work for both of us, we can review other options together.

  2. We pay all closing cost.

  3. We can close on the date that is best for you and us, very quickly or giving you time to relocate.

  4. We can help with the moving arrangements.

  5. By selling to us, your credit will be in much better shape than allowing the property to go to auction.

  6. No repairs are needed. We buy in “AS-Is” condition. No inspections, corrections, or repair cost to you.

  7. No need for a parade of people touring your home.

  8. No Realtor Commissions, Long Days on Market, Inspections, Buyer demands for corrections, and a long process when you may not have time.

all: Why would we want to buy your house?

Investors are in the business of buying, holding, and selling Real Estate. As with any business there is cost to us including making repairs to full renovation to bring the house to market expectations, Closing Cost (Buying and Selling), Realtor Fees when we sell, Lender Fees, Market Changes, and unexpected surprises. We do our best to make sure all goes well. We also need to make a profit like any other business.

all: why should I give you a profit on my house if I can sell with a realtor?

  1. If your house is in “excellent” condition (AND) you are early in the Foreclosure process, selling with a Realtor may be a better option.

  2. We are trading our profit for taking on the risk and work involved. Period. No games.

  3. We provide a quick, no headache resolution to your challenge. We coordinate the process for you.

  4. Selling with a Realtor has uncertain time to a close, uncertain $NET end result, and uncertain cost for repairs.

  5. Once our offer and close of escrow is agreed upon, your financial life begins again. How much is that worth?

our promise to you

We will discuss in detail anything you have concerns with in regards to finding a solution. We hope you can see, we truly want to help. If selling to us is your best or chosen option, we promise to be transparent and honest throughout the process.

We believe our approach separates us from the average investor. If you choose to meet with us and feel it won’t be a good fit for you, we will part ways with no drama. You have nothing to loose except a few minutes of your day.

We hope this has been informative and helpful in helping you with the best decision for your current situation.

Best of luck. Rick & Alice